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CO-Hustle - growing ideas together
CO-Hustle Ltd. icon
Saulius MiciulisMatt StoneMerlin WebsterEd LangleyJohn WillisRichard GrayDavid BrogelliRon Healy
  • Early-stage idea
  • Proof of concept
  • Already have users
  • Generate revenue

CO-Hustle – skills4shares startup crowdsourcing platform

Are you an experienced software developer, a passionate designer or a savvy marketer looking for an interesting project to work on?

Would you like to invest your spare time in helping get the next hot startup off the ground in exchange for up to Β£1,500,000 worth of shares?

CO-Hustle is the first of its kind open and free startup crowdsourcing platform where ideas meet skills in exchange for shares in the business. We are on a mission to remove barriers to life-changing collaborations and we practice what we preach - we are crowdsourcing a crowdsourcing platform and would love for you to join in!

  • 5 million startups are founded in the UK & US markets alone every year, but a lot of them fail as they struggle to secure in-demand skills required to build their products
  • There are 55 million talented PROfessionals working in tech who could help startups get their products to market in exchange for shares in the business
  • We are on a mission to remove barriers to life-changing collaborations by helping talented people turn their spare time into life-changing opportunities and enabling startups to access in-demand skills required to grow their business.
  • And we are crowdsourcing a startup crowdsourcing platform - join the movement and help us unlock the next wave of innovation!
Key info:

πŸ“ˆ Equity offer: Β£1,500,000 worth

Equity offer

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ PROs required: 5

PROs required

🌎 Team location: remote

Team location

πŸ› οΈ Skills required: #Front-end devevelopment#UX/UI design#Marketing#Finance#Full-stack development

Skills required

πŸ”  Categories:#B2B#B2C#fintech#platform

Project categories

🌐 Website:


πŸ“ Project status: open for applications

Project status
Vote Button

The pitch.

5 million startups are founded in the UK & US markets alone every year and founders want to launch startups by creating great new products but struggle to secure investment to enable hiring in-demand talent so they are looking for people who could help hit milestones and create big new opportunities.


There are 55 million talented PROfessionals working in tech and a lot of them want to achieve more and build something meaningful without taking on financial risks so they are looking for side projects to earn sweat equity that could bring wealth in the future and create big new opportunities.

➜ The STARTUP CULTURE is not yet disrupted, and it’s holding back innovation.

But the current system sucks.


Getting paid by cash does not scale.

Cash is king, but it cannot grow as startups do


Getting paid by equity is complicated.

There is a ton of complexity around equity legals, tax and admin


Finding good collaborations is hard.

Most of us don’t have the right network or just don’t know where to start

Meet CO-Hustle – skills for shares crowdsourcing platform.

We are on a mission to remove barriers to life-changing collaborations.

CO-Hustle is the first of its kind open and free startup crowdsourcing platform where ideas meet skills in exchange for shares in the business.

Think angel investment with skills instead of cash – we help talented people turn spare time into life-changing opportunities by helping promising startups grow in exchange for equity and enable startups to short circuit capital and access in-demand skills required to grow their business.

Innovate together.

For PROs
  • Turn spare time into life-changing opportunities
  • Join startups and earn equity without taking on extra risks
  • Focus on building great products, not equity legals and admin
  • Keep what you’ve built if the startup fails
  • Grow your startup and build products without cash or network
  • Avoid overheads by joining forces with in-demand talent
  • Get early market feedback and sign-up early adopters
For startups

Freemium business model.

We are trying to make startups more accessible and our membership plans are built around that. All the core functionality of the platform is going to be FREE forever.

You can, however, choose our PRO or BUSINESS plans if you would like to get even more value out of the CO-Hustle platform.

  • Projects, applications and community forum
  • Voting for startup projects
    Unlock with 10+ reputation
  • VIP profile featured on top of the skills matching list
  • Team management features and funds transfer to a business
  • FREE Β£/month ££/month

Join the CO-Hustle movement and turn your skills into shares of the next hot startup!

#skills4shares #crowdsourcingStartups #joinTheMovement ✊

We are building a rocket and we’ve got the crew for it. πŸš€

  • Saulius Miciulis

    Saulius Miciulis - Revenue & Operations

    Engineer, sales geek and an operator in love with technology and passionate about untangling the complex and building scalable systems. he is an experienced business developer helping companies break into new verticals, expand business market share and build business partnerships.

  • Matt Stone

    Matt Stone - Tech & Product

    Product consultant, speaker, advisor and investor. He has over a decade of experience scaling technical products & product teams for household brands like and General Electric and helps B2B and B2C organisations make better products, increase revenue, and deliver more value for their users.

  • Merlin Webster

    Merlin Webster - Tech Design & Back-end Dev

    Skilled software engineer proficient in over 20 programming languages and passionate about the craft of software development. His skills and experience delivering over 40 successful software development projects bring in an ideal mix of technical knowledge and technical project management skills.

  • Ed Langley

    Ed Langley - Front-end Dev

    Experienced software engineer and team leader with over 18 years of experience covering all things software from industrial control systems to consumer electronics, IoT and wearable devices and web technology projects.

  • John Willis

    John Willis - Architecture & Security

    Experienced and passionate Lead Architect with diverse expertise in strategy, business transformation, security design, software architecture and implementation. He has a proven track record of designing innovative projects and ensuring smooth and cost-efficient delivery in line with technical strategies.

  • Richard Gray

    Richard Gray - Legal & Tax

    Experienced advocate with the main area of practice in tax advice, commercial litigation, professional negligence and company work. He has represented companies such as Coca-Cola and Mowlem and is now running Elysium Law - a niche practice specialised in advising accountants and businesses direct.

  • David Brogelli

    David Brogelli - Legal & Tax

    Tax qualified Legal Sector Finance and Practice Manager with ten years of experience working in the legal sector. Previously studied and worked in finance and research fields and is currently helping accountants and businesses as part of Elysium Law team.

  • Ron Healy

    Ron Healy - Compliance

    Entrepreneur, Business Analyst, Product Owner & Manager, Solution Designer experienced (10+ Years) in Multinational, Start-up, R&D, Prototyping, Private & Public Sectors and Academia with business-friendly 'fail early'​ mind-set, incl prioritisation of 'quick wins' vs long-term strategy.

The task at hand.

Help us develop the MVP platform.

We are developing our MVP (minimum viable product) platform as we speak, but it's a big job so we are looking for talented people to help us go faster!

Looking at this demo website might give you a good idea of where we are going with the platform, but here's a quick look at our high-level modules and feature blocks pulled from our MVP development features map:

  • Infrastructure (setup, databases, onboarding, external APIs, legals module)
  • Admin / Moderators (notifications, dashboards, settings, suggestions module)
  • Userspace (dashboard, notifications, account, favourites)
  • Startup hub (search, filters, startup setup, startup contests)
  • Socials (forum, voting, reputation, comments, chat)
Our technical stack
Our technical stack


Offering Β£1,500,000 of equity between 5 PROs.

Proposed exit strategy: buy-back at the first funding round with an option to not sell.

Once we demonstrate product-market fit we will start pushing for an A-Series investment round to help us grow the community. Currently, this is planned in year 2 and this could be the first opportunity for the MVP team members to cash in their shares. Of course, we'd love to see you join the ride for the long haul and stay with us until at least year 5, which is what the equity evaluation is based on - after all, why not benefit from all the growth that comes once the real fun begins!

*All offered shares are non-voting and will be distributed based on contribution.
**Equity evaluation is based on our business model exit value projections at year 5.

Other rewards.

It’s an opportunity to become one of the first people to experience the new way of crowdsourcing startups and be part of our exciting journey of building the CO-Hustle community.

No doubt there are a ton of karma points in helping to bring meaningful change to the startup market, but that's definitely not all. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Turn your free time and skills into up to Β£1,500,000 worth of shares in the next hot startup (yes, we're probably a bit biased!)
  • Contribute as much time as you want with no long-term commitment (we are expecting the MVP development to last somewhere between 3 to 6 months)
  • Get a Lifetime PRO membership for the CO-Hustle platform and enjoy all the benefits the platform can offer free of charge forever
  • Connect with like-minded people and share your knowledge
  • Be the first to experience the new way of crowdsourcing a startup
  • Become a key player in bringing a new concept to the startup market that will help create tons of new opportunities and change lives


Do you have one of the following skills?

#Front-end devevelopment#UX/UI design#Marketing#Finance#Full-stack development

Other requirements for a good fit:

Do you think you check MOST of the "boxes" below?

  • Able to work independently and collaborate with a remote team
  • Have at least 3 years of experience in software development
  • Able to plan your time and stick to the plan
  • Care about software quality
  • Be cool with some chaos that comes with early-stage startups

P.S. If you don't have the exact experience or skills mentioned but feel passionate about the project - we would love to hear from you! We believe in continuous improvement and love talking with smart people, so if you have some ideas or would like to help - we are all ears!

If you are nodding along feeling just as excited about this as we are, don't waste a second more and let us know by hitting apply button below - let's CO-Hustle!


Curious to find out more? Take a look at our pitch deck and the business plan with financial projections below.


Do you have any feedback or sugestions for the team? Join the conversation.

What the community is saying

  1. Saulius Miciulis

    What a great way to finish the year – the platform developing picking up steam, getting started on user research and having two brilliant legal experts joining the team! Welcome on board @Richard Gray and @David Brogelli!

  2. Saulius Miciulis

    Our team is growing! We have two new members on the CO-Hustle team who will bring a wealth of knowledge and help us build a kick-ass product for the community – welcome aboard @Matt Stone and @John Willis!

  3. Saulius Miciulis

    After months of business planning, talking with potential users and designing our demo website we are finally LIVE! The website you’re looking at is a way for us to help everyone visualize our vision for CO-Hustle and it’s the first step in an exciting journey ahead that should bring many opportunities to all the CO-Hustlers in the startup community. Got feedback? Let us know below!

  4. Saulius Miciulis

    I would like to take a moment and welcome Merlin Webster to the team – he is the best software engineer I have ever met and I am super pumped to have him on board! Let’s get cracking!

  5. Saulius Miciulis

    Started the project

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